I'm a Front End Developer from India, Asia. I know HTML, CSS which, until now, have been sufficient for me to design basic web pages. Other than that, I'm a learing enthusiast, I like to learn and explore things which in any way can be productive. Designing this website has been pretty much a part of my learning curve.
Also, I'm a undergraduate student at, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, pursuing Five Year Integrated (MSc.+B.E) course. And when I'm not coding, you'll probably find me with the love of my life. Just Kidding, I am just wandering around or playing games.
Prototype 2
Far Cry
Need for Speed
Random stuff about me
I worship Joker.
I get super-efficient when given an interesting cause.
I hate being bored the most.
I'm rarely dressed.
I like tea, a lot!
I love F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and Sherlock Holmes.
I play Table Tennis.
I write.
I use Dell G3 3579.
This webpage belongs entirely to Pranav Goyal. Well, it's fun to talk about yourself in third person. Jokes Apart,Hope you enjoyed scrolling through my webpage. Any kind of Feedback, Suggestion or Query is most welcome at any of my given Social Handle.